Creole Seasoning

All credit to BonBon’s dad for this one. Holy shit is this good…


  • 1/4 cup kosher salt
  • 1/4 cup paprika*
  • 1/4 cup smoked paprika*
  • 1/4 cup garlic powder
  • 1/4 cup onion powder
  • 2 Tbps black pepper
  • 2 Tbps white pepper**
  • 2 Tbsp cayenne pepper***
  • 3 bay leaves crushed****
  • msg to taste ☻

*you can substitute a SMALL amount of liquid smoke (BEFORE COOKING WITH THE FOOD NOT IN THE SEASONING) if you don’t have smoked paprika w/ 1 cup paprika

**can use an extra Tbsp of black pepper instead (a total of 3 Tbps)

***adjust to spice tolerance (+/- 50% unless you hate yourself lol)

****adjust based on how fresh yours are (also not necessary but helps a LOT)

This came in so clutch during a cookout at a LAN. I made jambalaya with this (use one type of rice for the love of god or it’ll get crunchy) and the taste was soooooo good. I used to use the boxed stuff but I’d argue this is THE all-purpose seasoning if you need strong flavors to spice light flavors. “I put this shit on everything”, sure as hell did. I made 3 meals (and a snack) using this During the cookout. Jambayala (the main purpose), ground beef for pizza (someone couldn’t eat pork and we ran out of salt[???]), hamburgers from Costco, and a thing of nachos (same thing as the pizza). I’m a simple man. All I need is salt pepper and garlic powder. This shit changed my life and I will be putting this on everything.

Best way to enjoy this:

  • Jambalaya (1/4 per 4 cups of dried rice)
  • Boneless Skinless chicken thighs grilled (add until everything is lightly coated and put in the fridge overnight; sprinkle more right before grilling)
  • Ground pork/beef (to taste; 1 stuffed Tbsp per pound)

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